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Monday, October 27, 2014

Today Dishing: Quick Halloween Decorations

It's Halloween week and if you  haven't yet put up those decorations, it's not too late. You may need to edit your original plan, but that doesn't mean the decorations need to be less effective. End tables and coffee tables serve as perfect spots for small vignettes that provide subtle, tasteful decorations.

Mini pumpkins on a tray can be used right  through Thanksgiving. How easy is that?

Three bobble head cats share the end table space with two witches hats.

Some autumn garland and black crows transform a kitchen chandelier into a spooky crows nest.
A couple bales of hay house Mr. Bones who is flanked by pumpkins and mums.

A self-serve candy bar entices any guests you have during this season. When kids see this their eyes light up.


 Fitz and Floyd developed an entire line of Witch pieces. This is the cookie jar with candy dish included.

Does it get any easier than positioning a large spider  in a hallway?

Department 56 is a popular name in  miniature Christmas towns.  Creepy Hollow from Midwest Cannon Falls is a spooky town inhabited by ghouls and goblins who hang out at such places as Norman's Bait Shop, Frankie's Dis-Em-Bowling Alley, Skully's Drive-in, Drearydale Manor and the Little Dead Schoolhouse. This display requires a commitment of time and money  but is sure to delight folks of all ages.


I read a Letter to the Editor in the Chicago Tribune today from a woman who couldn't understand why people spend so much money decorating for Halloween. I related this sentiment to my daughter who said that she is so grateful to those people who decorated because  that decorating  is what makes up one of her most vivid  childhood memories.  We push kids to grow up more quickly now and I for one am happy to add to any kids great Halloween memories.

Let the decorating begin!

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